Train like a
Hybrid Athlete.

Lifts and runs are provided by Hybrd, allowing you to spend more time training and less time programming.


Track your progress.

It’s difficult to know how you compare against others and if you’re progressing. We provide a benchmark to work toward and a way to track your progress.

Benchmarks to help guide you
View activity by day, week and month
Historic data to see improvements

Quickly adjust your program.

Whether you’re preparing for a race, wanting to get stronger, or seeking a balanced approach, we make it simple to adjust your training program.

Weight Calculator

Weights for warm-up and working sets are auto-calculated for you.

Rest Timer

Take the guesswork out of when to lift and when to rest.


Benchmark your data against different strength standards.

Mileage Tracker

Track mileage across the week and month.

Pace Calculator

Understand if you are getting faster or slower.


Show off your fastest mile, biggest lift, and farthest run.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the app available for download?

Hybrd is available on the Apple App Store, click here to download our app.

What programs are offered?

Strength: 5×5, MadCow, Push Pull Legs (PPL), Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower (PHUL)

Running: 5k, 10k, Half-Marathon, Marathon

How do you benchmark lifting data?

We are using Tim Henrique’s strength standards. Eventually, we’ll let you pick different benchmarking systems.

What will the pricing be?

Annual: $99 (Save 36%)

Monthly: $12.99

How often are programs added?

Our goal is to give you a handful of base programs for you to then customize based on your needs.

Why strength and running programs?

These two seem to be the most common, if you think we should add more, please let us know.

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